Friday, July 18, 2008

The Turtle

NPR Update - Story has still not aired. Sally the reporter says that it is still going to run, just not sure when. So that is that.

Since my last post I found 3 pennies while Marti and I visited family in Ft. Wayne. I also found 3 pennies at Schnuck's near the self checkout counter and 1 quarter & 1 dime in the Coinstar.

Now onto the fun part. While we were in Ft. Wayne, we went on a family trip to the Children's Zoo, and it turned into Showtime After Hours. Let's just say that I enjoyed feeding the ducks, and watching the turtles go at it. Yes, we got to witness the always fun time of animals doing it in front of tons of people. I not only took some pictures, but shot a video for you, as the noises were too good to pass up. And yes, I am about to turn 30!

Hope you enjoyed, I know the turtles did! :-)

Total since last post - $0.41
Total for the Race - $269.45

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