Thursday, March 10, 2005

Day 26

On the way to work, I stopped by the Arby's and found a nickel and 5 pennies. I also found a penny at work, and 2 more while jogging around my apartment complex.

Now for some thoughts on this race. I have to give some "dap" to Chris. His double digit streak of 26 days has been amazing. Now that he has rackd up some dollar days in the past week, it is borderline absurdity.
I have some time off next week(Before I go to Las Vegas for my batchelor party. I hope to have some GREAT stories to share, and some good change finds), and Marti will be away visiting family in Indiana, and going to her bridal shower). So I will have some time to do some serious change searching here in Texas, and try to put together some dollar days myself. But if that doesn't pan out, I could be in trouble, because I just figured that Chris is averaging about $0.45 a day! At this rate he will have $100 by September!
Either he has to slow down, or I need to speed up. Because he has already doubled me up, and if this keeps up, the race will bascially be over in a matter of weeks.

But I plan to continue this blog even after the race is over. Maybe I should try finding change everyday for a year. Or maybe Chris and I will start a new race with a higher target($500 or $1,000). Although so far, racing Chris hasn't been much fun.
Only time will tell.

Total for the Day - $0.13
Total for the Race - $5.26

Change Finding Streak - 12 Days

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