Friday, April 15, 2005

Day 62

On the way to work today, I stopped off at Kroger to get a newspaper. While I found nothing in the CoinStar machine, I did find a penny next to the change dispensing device.

I must admit that I was buying a USA Today. I know, I know, it is written at a 3rd grade reading level, and that it is filled with pictures and graphs. BUT, it is Friday, I had an easy day scheduled at work, and I was in the mood for an easy read and some eye candy.

Speaking of reading, I just finished Out of Bounds by Jeff Benedict. While I really enjoy to read, I’m not a fast reader. A book normally takes me about 3-4 weeks to finish. I read this book in 3 days! (And no, it is not a picture book!) This made Marti happy, as it was a book she bought me for my birthday last July. I just hadn’t been in the mood for it until now. Either way, it was a very interesting look at the culture of violence and abuse in the NBA, and how players can get away with almost anything. Next up, is Flyboys by James Bradley, which is about nine Americans shot down over the Pacific in WW II. One of them was George H. W. Bush. Details to come in 4-5 weeks.

Total for the Day - $0.01
Total for the Race - $15.36
Change Finding Streak - 48 Days

Survivor Update

While I thought that I would enjoy watching Stephenie try to be a tribe of one, it was rather sad. I felt bad for her as she tried to get coconuts, fish and tend to the fire all alone. I was happy to see her get to merge with Koror.

When they had the immunity challenge, I told Marti we should bet on who was going to go out first, since it was an endurance challenge. I said that if I could bet on Janu, she could get the field (or everyone else). To her credit, Marti wouldn’t take the bet. I guess we both had to much credit in Janu’s ability to quit. So you can imagine our amazement when Coby jumped off seconds before Janu.

We were also surprised when Stephenie jumped off for pizza. I thought for SURE that she would go until her body gave out. I guess that after days of starving and being alone will power is a tough thing to stop.

Laugh Out Loud Moment – Ian comments as he voted for Coby. Classic. Maybe the best voting speech since G in season 1. If you can make me AND Marti laugh out loud, then you get mentioned here!

Once again CBS went to the old formula of having the Crying and Breaking down episode last week to get you feeling bad for Coby, then this week showing all the annoying Coby clips during the episode where they vote him off. This would be my main complaint with Survivor. They seem to always get you annoyed with a contest the same show they get voted off. Like they are trying to keep the audience happy that the annoying people are going home. Personally, even though Coby was grating at me this episode, I would have loved to see him stay. It makes for a better show when you have heroes and heels. That is what made Johnny Fair-Play so amazing. Even after he had the episode where he went to the “Dead Grandma” card, he stayed around for 4-5 more episodes, giving you someone to root against every week.
At least I still have Janu for one more week, although I’m betting that next week is the annoying Janu / Janu gets voted off eposide.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, you have a while to catch up. Good luck. I'll be bookmarking you two!