Since my last post I have found;
6 Pennies at the Mall of America
2 Pennies on my plane from MSP to STL
3 Pennies at TSA Check Point in MSP Airport
1 Quarter at Schnuck's
During my trip this week to Minneapolis I got to the airport about 3 hours before my flight. With so much time to kill, I decided not to sit down and do some work, but rather, walk around the passenger pick-up area and collect luggage carts for the $0.25 reward. Sadly, as I walked up and down, I learned that there is an employee who was doing the same thing I was doing. He never told me to stop, but whenever he got to a cart before me, it was a reward that I lost! I decided to go up to the check-in area, where there were not as many carts, but no competition. After about 30 minutes I got pretty bored of playing the cart game, so I decided to stop. I ended up returning six carts for a total of $1.50, which counts toward my net worth, but not for the Change Race totals.
I will leave you with 2 pictures. One is of some stairs at the Mall of America. If you have been a loyal reader of the blog for quite some time, you know that I dabble in photography. In the coming months, I am planning on taking more "artistic" type photographs and posting them here. I hope you enjoy.
The second picture is from the Lego store in the MOA (One of my favorite stores in the mall. What can I say, I'm a sucker for Legos!). It is a Lego version of the Crystal Skull from the new Indiana Jones Movie. Speaking of that movie, Marti and I went to see it on opening weekend. Good start, not such a great ending. It was proof that adding a bunch of CGI, isn't always a great thing!

Total since last post - $0.36
Total for the Race - $267.34
6 Pennies at the Mall of America
2 Pennies on my plane from MSP to STL
3 Pennies at TSA Check Point in MSP Airport
1 Quarter at Schnuck's
During my trip this week to Minneapolis I got to the airport about 3 hours before my flight. With so much time to kill, I decided not to sit down and do some work, but rather, walk around the passenger pick-up area and collect luggage carts for the $0.25 reward. Sadly, as I walked up and down, I learned that there is an employee who was doing the same thing I was doing. He never told me to stop, but whenever he got to a cart before me, it was a reward that I lost! I decided to go up to the check-in area, where there were not as many carts, but no competition. After about 30 minutes I got pretty bored of playing the cart game, so I decided to stop. I ended up returning six carts for a total of $1.50, which counts toward my net worth, but not for the Change Race totals.
I will leave you with 2 pictures. One is of some stairs at the Mall of America. If you have been a loyal reader of the blog for quite some time, you know that I dabble in photography. In the coming months, I am planning on taking more "artistic" type photographs and posting them here. I hope you enjoy.
The second picture is from the Lego store in the MOA (One of my favorite stores in the mall. What can I say, I'm a sucker for Legos!). It is a Lego version of the Crystal Skull from the new Indiana Jones Movie. Speaking of that movie, Marti and I went to see it on opening weekend. Good start, not such a great ending. It was proof that adding a bunch of CGI, isn't always a great thing!
Total for the Race - $267.34
Thanks for stopping by, Bailey. You'll have to tell me about the Mall of America and whether worth a trip someday.
One day I'll take a week's vacation and head to the Mall of America!!!
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