- 2 dimes & 5 pennies at Dallas Airport
- 2 pennies & 2 dimes at Schunck's Coinstar
- 1 penny at STL TSA
- 1 penny at MSP TSA
- 4 pennies at Schnuck's
- 6 pennies outside of car going to Blues Game
- 1 dime & 5 pennies at Schunck's
- 1 quarter at Blues Game
- 1 penny at Schnuck's
- 1 penny at BP
- 1 dime & 1 penny at STL TSA
- 1 dime & 1 penny at Detroit TSA
- 1 quarter, 1 dime & 3 pennies at MSP TSA
- 3 pennies at STL TSA
- 1 dime & 2 pennies at MSP TSA
- 1 quarter at Panera
- 1 nickel & 1 penny at STL TSA
- 1 dime at Schnuck's
- 2 pennies at ATL Airport
- 1 dime at STL Airport
- 1 dime at Wendy's
As you can tell, I have been keeping track of my finds since then, but I haven’t posted. And I knew that it was time to shut it down when after 3 months of not posting, I didn’t miss it at all. I have been putting off writing this post for weeks now. And while it was tough at first finding change and the NOT keeping track of it, it got easy as time went on.
There was a time when I thought that I would be posting to this blog for the rest of my life. That this would become a diary for myself that I could look back upon. And while it has been fun to look back at posts in the past, I really feel that this phase of my life is over. My job has kept me plenty busy and things are only going to stay that way as Marti and I plan to move to Indianapolis in June.
I still continue to look for change, but I no longer go out of “change runs” or “change walks”. I just keep my eye out during my normal life and let the change come to me. Over the last few months, my interest in the blog has gone down, and has been replaced by other ventures, including a podcast that I have started with some friends from college.
For all those who enjoyed the Change Race, thank you for being part of this journey with me. This is not the end just a new beginning. I will leave you with a picture of my final find that I am posting. It is a dime that I found on the floor in a Wendy’s somewhere in Indiana on I-70, as Marti and I were driving back from Bloomington.

Until next time, Blue Skies & Green Lights!
Total since last post - $2.44
Total for the Race - $288.41